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Jerry the Sloth meditates, one of his wellness tips for fall.
SetuplySep 30, 2024 4:00:50 PM3 min read

Embrace a New Season: Jerry’s Advice on Staying Happy and Healthy This Fall 

The cooler months are rolling in, and just like the leaves falling from the trees, our energy can sometimes feel like it's dropping. But there are simple ways to keep your energy up. Sloths understand the art of slowing down, but we also know the importance of keeping the mind and body sharp, as the ancient Romans used to say: mens sana in corpore sano—a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Here are my best tips for feeling good this fall. 

Get Outside and Move

One of the best ways to keep your energy flowing is to get outside and move. The fresh air can do wonders for your mood and mental clarity. I'm not big on exercising, but even a quick 15-minute walk can get your blood pumping! If you’re managing a team or a client onboarding project, standing up to stretch or walk between calls will help you and your team think more clearly and stay productive.

Try Light Therapy Lamp for Darker Days

If your workspace is looking a little dim, you might want to consider adding a light therapy lamp. These lamps mimic sunlight and can help ward off feelings of sluggishness, especially if you’re someone who spends long hours indoors handling multiple client projects. It’s a small investment with big returns for your mood and productivity.

Limit Screen Time To Recharge

Did you know the average American checks their phone 144 times a day? That’s every eight minutes! 

As a sloth, it’s hard for me to imagine, but those constant glances, however quick, drain your energy more than you think. Set some screen time limits, especially in the evening. With projects and deadlines, it’s easy to fall into the trap of checking emails or scrolling on social media channels late into the night. Your brain needs time to shut down before bed. Give yourself at least one screen-free hour before bed, spending time reading a book or talking with someone you love. Turn your phone to do not disturb mode so you don’t get late-night notifications. Not only will you sleep better, but your brain will be sharper the next day to handle client calls, project updates, and those all-important deliverables.

Sleep More When the Time Changes

Speaking of sleep, when the time changes, your body might take some time to adjust. Give yourself the extra rest you need. A lot of us feel tempted to push through and maintain our regular schedules, but more sleep can give us better focus and better decision-making during the day. When your body asks for rest, give it what it needs! 

Laugh With Friends and Colleagues

Fall is one of my favorite times to make plans. Add some fun outings to your calendar and make time to laugh with the people you love—it’s one of the best ways to boost your mood and energy. Whether it’s grabbing coffee with a colleague or scheduling a virtual team lunch, the connection and laughter will lift everyone's spirits and help team dynamics. You’d be surprised how a little humor can go a long way in maintaining morale during busy projects.

Try Something New

Another way to spark energy is to try something new. Whether it’s a fun hobby, an online course, or a new workout routine, mixing things up can refresh your mind. I know, trying new things can seem out of place for a sloth, but hear me out. Just like software clients need fresh strategies, you might need something different to kickstart your creativity and enthusiasm. 

For those of you overseeing client projects or teams, consider attending a new event where you’ll learn together. Check out the in-person and virtual events I’m looking forward to this fall!

Embrace Every Season

Remember, mens sana in corpore sano—a healthy mind in a healthy body. The cooler months don’t have to mean low energy. Whether you’re navigating new projects, steering a team, or trying to stay awake after 3 p.m., keeping your body moving, getting plenty of sleep, and filling your days with laughter and new experiences will help you thrive.

Take it from me: make time to slow down and enjoy life, but never stop moving forward!