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Client Onboarding Solutions Uncover Bottlenecks | Setuply

Written by Setuply | Apr 19, 2024 5:00:00 PM

The process for onboarding new clients can include clearly defined steps and procedures, but oftentimes solution providers can lack visibility into details behind the scenes. To understand their process's intricacies, they need client onboarding solutions that combine transparency with meaningful insights.

Before we dive into how Setuply helped one human capital management (HCM) solutions provider uncover bottlenecks in their client implementation process, let’s look at some factors that can contribute to limited visibility into client onboarding processes.

Why Bottlenecks Can Fall Under the Radar in Client Onboarding


Fragmented Data Silos

Single-point client onboarding solutions may offer valuable data and insights within their own scope. But when data is scattered across multiple systems, it becomes difficult to pinpoint bottlenecks that may exist in the handoff process between different systems or departments. Reliance on spreadsheets further complicates matters, as there is limited client visibility into internal activity and no access to real-time analytics.


Insufficient Tracking Mechanisms

Every step of the client onboarding process should be tracked, but solution providers don’t always have visibility into key milestones, phases, and tasks. This can cause crucial details to slip through the cracks, and mask touchpoints where clients experience obstacles or require additional support. The absence of tracking mechanisms makes it more difficult for providers to intervene in a timely manner for current clients as well as optimize the experience for future clients.


Limited Reporting Capabilities

Client onboarding reports can reveal key insights about average onboarding completion times, provider’s workload capacity, client engagement levels, and other key onboarding metrics. Without tools to shed light on these factors, it becomes challenging to pinpoint patterns in client behavior or where to make improvements in onboarding workflows. This can stifle a provider’s ability to innovate and support long-term success in the marketplace.


Setuply Shines Light on an HCM Provider’s Hidden Bottlenecks

Setuply’s client onboarding solutions provide granular transparency and insights into every onboarding stage. It’s this comprehensive visibility that supports even the most seasoned professionals in identifying masked inefficiencies, pinpointing critical gaps, and streamlining operations. The result is not only optimized onboarding workflows but meaningful improvements to client management as a whole.

Just ask Innovative Business Solutions (Innovative), a leading provider of HCM automation solutions. Having worked with hundreds of customers, Innovative had a well-defined client implementation process — but the company strived for continuous improvement. 

While automating processes, Setuply offered Innovative newfound transparency to accurately project the duration of implementation projects and identify any hurdles and their root causes. These insights have saved considerable time for Innovative’s client implementation team and opened new revenue streams without increasing operational costs.

As Alice Hinton, Innovative’s Human Resources Product Manager, puts it: “Before Setuply, frustrations and issues with the implementation process could sometimes easily fall through the cracks. Now, all the information is readily available. We can see how people move through the process and where we can improve. It made us a better vendor for our customers.”

The Innovative team is already strategizing further process enhancements, empowering clients to play a more proactive role in their implementation process. This proactive involvement will enable the team to further expand its capacity by an additional 25%, fostering even greater growth opportunities.

Want to learn more about Setuply’s impact on Innovative? Read the full case study.