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Two employees giving a high-five to illustrate Setuply success stories
SetuplyJul 2, 2024 11:00:00 AM5 min read

Winning With Setuply: How Our Customers Are Mastering Client Onboarding and Beyond

Our customers inspire us. They challenge and encourage us, make helpful suggestions, and connect us to other companies whose success trajectories we can impact.

As a client onboarding software and lifecycle management automation platform for B2B solutions providers, we help our clients maximize human resources, standardize and expedite workflows, improve client engagement, and increase profitability.

Our latest webinar from our Thought Leadership Series, featured success stories from three of our innovative clients — Innovative Business Solutions, CheckmateHCM, and Inova — who shared how they’re streamlining processes and improving productivity with Setuply.

Here’s a closer look at each one.

Removing Implementation Roadblocks To Boost Productivity

Innovative Business Solutions (Innovative) offers a variety of human capital management automation products, from payroll to time tracking, scheduling, and more. They recognized the potential to create more efficient processes, but couldn’t easily identify how to improve them.

Setuply’s Client Impact Control Center offered Innovative a hollistic view of workflows, task management, and onboarding progress from one easy-to-navigate platform.

The platform provides visibility into every stage of a company’s implementation journey, providing critical insights into what’s working—and what’s not. The software bridged gaps in the client implementation process, so Innovative could address any inefficiencies in their workflows. The result was a streamlined client onboarding process that saved their implementation teams time and opened new revenue streams without increasing operational costs.

“Realizing Setuply features, such as project tracking, client engagement, data management, and more, could extend to support client initiatives such as cross-sells, upgrades, and compliance was a true ‘aha’ moment for us,” said Alice Hinton, HR Product Manager at Innovative Business Solutions.

With the help of Setuply’s groundbreaking software, Innovative improved their team’s productivity by 33%. They’re already planning the next round of process improvements, with Setuply’s streamlined automation tools expected to free up 25% more time to focus on core business initiatives.

Streamlining Onboarding Workflows With A Single Platform

Checkmate HCM is a premier solutions provider of integrated services specializing in payroll, time tracking, and HR solutions. Prior to Setuply, Checkmate was using multiple single-point solutions. Managing them required extensive coordination, consuming significant time and resources.

Setuply helped Checkmate integrate their patchwork software solutions by consolidating all their disjointed workflows into one centralized platform, improving efficiency while reducing overhead. Automated project workflows tailored to each process helped the company standardize repeatable processes within project management templates that could be followed and accomplished by anyone on the team.

Setuply empowered Checkmate to streamline client management workflows, unifying internal processes and data into a single source of truth. Consolidating a fragmented toolkit improved how Checkmate HCM gets business done. The results included:

  • Enhanced client service efficiency
  • Increased bandwidth to support more clients
  • Enabled cross-selling and upselling
  • Streamlined operational workflows
  • Improved client satisfaction

“Leveraging Setuply for our client onboarding and support has transformed our approach to client onboarding and service delivery,” said Josh Robinson, President of Checkmate HCM. “It has amplified our processes, enabling us to surpass our goals and expand our capabilities. Going beyond operational efficiency has sparked a new era of expansion for us.”

Streamlining workflows enabled Checkmate to take on new clients more efficiently with detailed templates for the team to follow. It’s a winning partnership for everyone involved.

Improving Revenue and Expense Forecasting

Inova offers its clients complete HR and payroll solutions for time and labor, benefits management, reporting and analytics, and more. Inova identified opportunities to enhance the transition from sales to implementation.


They wanted to identify and solve these problems for better revenue and expense forecasting and turned to Setuply for help. The Setuply platform helped integrate sales and onboarding for better communication, transparency, and efficiency. By creating a bridge between their sales CRM and quoting system, Setuply bridged gaps between closed deals and actual billings, creating a more accurate view of forecasting and pipelining.

Inova also gained deeper insight into client, product, and service delivery costs.

The benefits included:

  • Smoother information flow between technology platforms
  • Enhanced revenue recognition visibility during implementation—and beyond
  • Improved financial decision-making capabilities

“Setuply has exceeded our expectations in enabling faster implementations and enhancing client satisfaction, said Coray Grove, Chief Revenue Officer of Inova. “With the platform’s advanced capabilities, we can now easily see the revenue we expect by service for a specific client at a specific time. That’s power we’ve never had before.”

How Setuply Could Simplify Your Processes

Setuply gives clients the visibility they need to onboard more efficiently.

Look at a typical dashboard that shows four team members starting a new talent management project.


Setuply allows you to see each client by their onboarding phase and the individual employees on your team assigned to these tasks. The same screen shows the estimated task duration and how long each task took in real-time. This granularity allows our clients to spot additional opportunities for training when one employee takes longer to complete a task than their peers.

Setuply’s solution also allows you to identify risks that slow down onboarding. For example, the platform allows a frontline implementation staffer to note details such as “the data wasn’t clean for the data migration.”

This helps onboarding leaders identify process improvements for faster implementation. It also allows you to predict time and labor tracking more accurately, resulting in more satisfied clients, smoother workflows, and happier employees.

Setuply also goes beyond process improvement to create the workflows themselves.

Most companies have institutional knowledge wrapped up in their tenured employees. Even with training, a company’s “super user” always fields the questions of newer staff repeatedly, slowing down their productivity.

With the Setuply resource library, you can provide extensive process documentation to create scalable, repeatable tasks anyone can access. Suddenly, even your newest employees have tools at their fingertips that they can use to improve their skills.

It increases productivity, eliminates workflow variability, and lessens the need for workarounds.

Ultimately, connecting all this to the costs of doing business helps to improve your profit margins.

Setuply offers insights into the expected revenue vs. actual revenue to give users better financial visibility.

From one dashboard, you can see all open projects by projected revenue and whether implementation is on track or running behind.

These are just a few examples of the Setuply platform features. If you’re struggling with onboarding and process improvement, consider:

  • What if projected versus actual revenue no longer required guesswork?
  • What if you could suddenly spot task bottlenecks and correct these processes for higher efficiency?
  • What if automation could decrease the time your team spends on each task to increase their capacity for more work — or allow them to focus on more strategic priorities?

These are problems we solve every day. While our clients are quick to point out the benefits of a partnership, why not find out for yourself? Schedule a demo of our software.