Setuply Blog Client Onboarding Insights and Ideas

Setuply Milestones

Written by Setuply | Jul 9, 2024 1:09:00 PM

Happy birthday to Setuply! My friends and I are thrilled to see how far we’ve come and – we have a lot to celebrate!

Unlike sloths, Setuply’s past year has been anything but slow-moving. Here are five impressive Setuply milestones the team has achieved!

1. Building Connections With Great Customers + Partners

As a sloth, I spend a lot of time alone, but Setuply is a lot more social, building up its network of customers and partners. This includes partnering with Innovative Business Solutions, a new partnership with CheckmateHCM Solutions to empower new talent to excel fast, partnering with Inova, one of the leading national payroll and human capital management companies, and so many more connections have been made along the way!

The company has since achieved excellence in client service with AI that increases financial oversight and simplifies onboarding. Benefits include accelerated revenue recognition and reporting as well as interconnectivity across client lifecycle platforms.

2. Adding New Cutting-Edge Features

The pace of Setuply’s evolution amazes me. (It took me 10,000 years to evolve from my Megatherium cousins!) But in less than a year, Setuply has introduced new features and functionality that have made the platform faster, more intuitive, and more secure. New customer engagement portals have improved project visibility, while automation has made project management a breeze. Want to see what’s new? Check out our new features!

3. Extending the Platform’s Boundaries

Setuply has stretched the boundaries of its innovative platform this year by expanding beyond onboarding and into recurring client projects, like client lifecycle management and compliance activities.

Most companies use multiple tools for client onboarding, but with Setuply’s new features to centralize project management, tasks are easier to manage, administrative overhead costs less, and communication improves.

Managing the journey more effectively helps companies maximize client lifetime value (CLV).

4. Expanding Our Thought Leadership

We’re all about educating and supporting our audience. That’s why we’re excited about our quarterly webinars. We’ll share best practices for client onboarding and successes from our clients, and cover new topics each quarter. We hope you’ll join us for these valuable sessions.

Our CEO, Rachel Lyubovitzky, was also selected to become a member of the Forbes Technology Council earlier this year. She’ll continue to publish articles that help companies adopt digital technologies that simplify their processes.

Stay up to date with all things Setuply by subscribing to our newsletter, or if you’d like to collaborate with us, send us a message at

5. Coming Soon: Onboarding World!

Sloths look forward to their next nap, but not my go-getter friends at Setuply. They’re preparing to host the company’s first Onboarding World on October 2-4 in Boston.

It’s the perfect event for solution providers seeking innovative ways to accelerate client onboarding, optimize team capacity, and improve client engagement. We’ll tackle some of the most significant issues onboarding professionals face, from how to integrate automation and AI, to reducing churn, to improving metrics — and so much more. Most importantly, attendees will learn best practices they can apply back home.

You’ll even get to meet yours truly. (Now, where did I put that bow tie?)

Register here for the event and join me in a jam-packed celebration!