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SetuplyJul 30, 2024 2:00:00 PM4 min read

Build A Better Revenue Forecast By Integrating Sales & Onboarding Processes

While sales and implementation work hand-in-hand, the transition between departments can greatly influence the client’s experience

Companies know that the handoff from sales to implementation is crucial for a positive client experience. However, without shared project management software, software, gaps can occur, impacting your revenue forecast, especially if the new solution affects payroll, HR, and benefits. How can you close these gaps for a better customer onboarding experience and more accurate revenue forecasting?


Do You Have Silos in Your Sales and Onboarding Process?

Ensuring that crucial information from the sales process reaches the onboarding team can significantly enhance client relationships. By facilitating seamless data flow between your CRM and onboarding software, you can prevent miscommunications and set the stage for strong client retention and future revenue growth.

Here are a few signs that your sales and onboarding processes may not be working as optimally as they could be:


The handoff from sales to the onboarding team is inconsistent or overlooked 

Sales and onboarding are often viewed as separate departments, creating process silos. Without a formal process to brief the onboarding team on each project and ensure they have what they need to get started, you’ll likely experience delays in the kickoff with a client. 


Your CRM and client onboarding software aren’t fully integrated.

It's common for companies to use CRM software to capture deal details, but onboarding teams often don't have access to these systems. This lack of shared systems can lead to inconsistencies, with the sales team forecasting revenue based on deal closure dates, while onboarding teams may not start projects until the following month. The difference in how information is recorded can also cause confusion for the accounting team.

There may also be discrepancies in data formats preventing full integration, so sales teams must manually pass along information to onboarding reps. 


There’s no closed-loop reporting on completed projects.

Without proper closed-loop reporting, valuable insights and feedback obtained during onboarding may not be integrated into the CRM system. This can result in missed opportunities to refine sales strategies and enhance customer interactions.

For example, a client might provide feedback on a challenge they encountered during the sales process or suggest a questionnaire to expedite onboarding. Without an efficient way to share these insights, your organization may not implement necessary improvements. Additionally, sharing information on how projected timelines compare to actual completion times can equip the sales team with the insights needed to set more accurate expectations, ultimately improving the client experience.


How Client Onboarding Processes Impact Your Revenue Forecast

Gaps between the sale and implementation of a solution can significantly impact revenue forecasting in several ways. These gaps can cause delays, inaccuracies, and unpredictability in recognizing revenue, ultimately affecting a company's financial health and planning. Here's how these gaps affect revenue forecasting:


Timely implementation enhances revenue recognition.

Accurate revenue forecasting depends on recognizing revenue at specific times. Delays in implementing a solution after the sale can postpone revenue recognition, affecting overall financial projections.


Efficient processes optimize profit and resource availability

Forecasted revenue can sometimes be impacted by unexpected delays in the implementation process. Addressing these gaps can help manage labor costs more effectively and allow team members to focus on new revenue-generating opportunities without being tied up in ongoing projects.


Consistent implementation supports cash flow stability

Ensuring timely project completion is crucial for receiving payments and maintaining cash flow. A smooth onboarding process helps companies meet their financial obligations and goals by aligning anticipated revenue with operational needs.


Enhanced client experience leads to better outcomes

Addressing gaps in the sales-to-implementation process can significantly improve the client experience. Satisfied clients are more likely to make timely payments, avoid requesting discounts, and continue their contracts, positively impacting the revenue forecast. An accurate revenue forecast is essential for managing cash flow and costs effectively. 


How Inova Simplified The Sales And Onboarding Process With Setuply

​​Customers like Inova, a payroll, HR, and benefits solution, use Setuply to streamline the handoff from sales to implementation. Inova struggled with siloed data and manual processes that slowed down onboarding. 

Here are a few ways Setuply supports a smoother onboarding process for them. 


CRM integration

Setuply’s platform integrates with popular CRM systems, ensuring that sales data flows seamlessly into the onboarding platform. This gave Inova greater accuracy in the onboarding process while revealing gaps between closed deals and actual billing. It also ensures all team members have access to the same data, reducing silos and improving collaboration.

Today, Inova has greater visibility at every stage of the client onboarding process. 

Communication between sales and the onboarding team is much more efficient. Handoffs are smoother and projected revenue mirrors billing more closely than ever before. Setuply's workflow management features efficiently track and manage every step in the onboarding process. Automated reminders and notifications keep the process moving forward to prevent delays. The increased visibility helps your teams identify and address any bottlenecks promptly. The platform even offers detailed reporting tools with insights into sales and onboarding KPIs. These reports help in refining revenue forecasts and improving process efficiency.


Better revenue forecasting starts with Setuply. 

Setuply streamlines onboarding processes, ensuring a smooth transition from sales to implementation. This seamless and efficient client onboarding journey allows companies to more accurately predict future revenue.

If you haven’t seen our solution in action, it’s time to get in touch with our team.