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HCM Software Implementation | Setuply

Written by Setuply | Aug 17, 2023 3:00:00 PM

Clients can experience a range of emotions before an HCM software implementation begins. Unfortunately, the excitement of it all is often overshadowed by apprehension and caution.

These underlying concerns are understandable. Clients are thinking through the potential for data migration issues, the time and resources that are needed to make the move, and how resistant employees on the team will be to the potential change in familiar day-to-day operations.

At the end of the day, clients who invest in new HR software should be set up to drive positive change in their organization. The HCM software implementation process should be modeled with this idea in mind. With the right strategy, HR tech providers can keep clients focused on the benefits of the software versus getting caught up in the complexities of implementation.

Here are four ways to change a client’s tune and make implementation enjoyable.


1. Empower clients to drive their own implementation forward

HCM clients are looking for partnerships built on shared goals and mutual respect. This starts with an HCM software implementation that is not only transparent, but also makes clients feel like their opinions matter. 

It all starts with a strategic plan. Using client insights from pre-implementation discussions, HR tech providers should provide an overview of the implementation’s objectives, timeline, and benefits. Not only does this set clear expectations for clients, but it makes them feel more invested in the outcomes of the project from day one.

Once the implementation process begins, clients should be able to monitor project status from the convenience of a real-time dashboard or other tools. Clients will know when key milestones are met — which is bound to create excitement — as well as keep them tuned into any tasks that are on their plate so they can drive the journey forward. Whether clients have questions about project progress or responsibilities, it’s helpful to have communication and support channels built into the dashboard platform.


2. Get stakeholders involved early on to get their buy-in

The HR department may be at the core of an HCM software implementation, but there are plenty of other parties with a stake in the game: IT, executives, data experts — and the list goes on. Wouldn’t it be nice to have all their ideas, needs, and concerns understood and addressed from the outset?

Involving stakeholders early on in the implementation process is the best way to yield these results. Their active participation in early implementation conversations offers peace of mind that any potential roadblocks or misunderstandings have been addressed. Their increased involvement in the decision-making process also makes them more invested in the implementation and primes them to become advocates for the new HR technology.


3. Provide reassurance through dynamic data migration tools

Consider the case where employee records and payroll data aren’t properly transferred over to a new HR software. This can result in delayed payments that negatively impact employee morale. Or in a case where benefits data aren’t properly transferred over, employees can encounter further payroll issues and not have coverage they’ve paid for.

These are the kinds of scenarios that are running through the minds of clients before an HCM software implementation. At the same time, considering the sensitive nature of the data, they’re also worried about the security of the data as it’s moved between systems.

Investing in automated data migration tools helps put clients’ minds at ease. Equipped with data mapping capabilities, these tools enable field matches between old and new systems. This provides confidence around the placement and organization of the data. Automated tools can also handle reformatting data to meet demands of the new system, as well as securely validate data for potential discrepancies before the migration starts.


4. Create a proactive change management plan

It’s natural for change — in this case, the introduction of new HR software — to spark resistance among employees. And when the change associated with an HCM software implementation is poorly managed, employees are even more likely to be dissatisfied.

HR tech providers can help smooth over the transition with a well-executed change management plan. Consider establishing a dedicated support portal where users can quickly get answers to questions and resolve technical issues. Before a full rollout of the software, it’s beneficial to conduct a pilot HCM software implementation for smaller user groups to get their feedback and make any adjustments as needed.

It’s important to remember that change management is an iterative process. Providers should continue to collect feedback over time and see where there are opportunities to improve processes and use of the system.


Future-Proof Your HCM Software Implementation

Maintaining client excitement throughout an HCM software implementation is critical to successful adoption and transformative change. Setuply, an all-in-one client onboarding automation platform, streamlines workloads for HCM onboarding teams and enhances the client experience. You’ll have the tools and capabilities to create a consistent, engaging onboarding experience today, with the ability to easily scale as your business grows in the future.

Ready to start your journey to better client onboarding? Request a free demo!