Setuply Blog Client Onboarding Insights and Ideas

HCM Client Onboarding Process | Why It Derails | Setuply

Written by Setuply | Oct 26, 2023 3:00:00 PM

Maintaining project timelines is crucial for a successful human capital management (HCM) client onboarding process. HCM software companies and solution providers need to manage project scope effectively to keep costs in check and improve client satisfaction.

While some scope changes are inevitable—such as new compliance requirements or additional services to meet evolving industry standards—there are many variables within the HCM client onboarding process that can be controlled to minimize unnecessary, unplanned scope changes. In this blog, we will highlight these controllable factors.


1. Poor Project Planning in the Client Onboarding Process

If all of a client’s requirements and objectives aren’t identified early on — or that information isn’t properly routed in the sales-to-implementation handoff — these unaddressed needs are bound to resurface later on in the HCM new client onboarding process. When they do, scope creep is likely to occur.

At the same time, poor or unclear documentation can also fail to create boundaries around what is included in the scope of an onboarding project and what is not. It leaves more room for interpretation that can prompt changes in scope to reconcile differences.

Effective project planning is essential for a solid customer onboarding process. A client onboarding checklist or client onboarding questionnaire can help make sure that all relevant information is collected upfront, while an onboarding automation platform streamlines the sales process and onboarding experience. Make sure to establish clear communication channels with a main point of contact and set expectations early to reduce misunderstandings and scope creep.


2. Change Management Challenges Faced by Onboarding Team Members

When clients are not well-prepared for a new HCM software implementation, they are more likely to be resistant to its use. Feeling this resistance, they are more apt to make requests for modifications or workarounds that were not included in the project’s original scope.

Additionally, a lack of training or support can leave clients struggling to adapt to the new system. While this can lead to further training requests that extend the onboarding process, it can also create new demand for customization to support them in adapting to the software.


3. Client Onboarding Software Integration Complexities

In some cases, a client’s legacy systems may operate with limited or poorly documented APIs. These cases can require HCM onboarding teams to identify workarounds or create custom integrations to allow for the proper exchange of data between systems.

As these integrations become more complex, they raise more security and compliance concerns. Ensuring sensitive HCM data is encrypted and meets regulatory requirements in the context of the integrations can create more work not outlined in the project scope.


4. Onboarding Platform Data Quality Issues

Consider the scenario where a client’s current HR system uses different naming conventions and data structures for employee information than the new system. When data mapping is inconsistent, onboarding teams are left spending time reconciling these inconsistencies so the data is accurately transferred to the new HCM software.

What can also happen is that existing employee data is found to be incomplete. If certain fields are missing — let’s say employee addresses, for instance — onboarding reps will have to spend time trying to access that missing data from clients.


5. Resource Constraints During The Initial Onboarding Process

When a provider’s resources are limited, it can become harder to complete an HCM client onboarding project within the agreed upon parameters. As client volumes rise, onboarding teams can feel more strapped for time to assist with data migration, integration, and other key variables of a successful HCM client onboarding process. These delays can lead to scope expansion, and also trigger requests for additional resources and features as compensation for these delays.

Resource constraints can significantly impact the onboarding process. Ensuring adequate staffing and resource allocation is essential to meet client needs and project timelines. Using project management software and onboarding solutions can help providers track resources and identify bottlenecks, allowing for better capacity management. Automating repetitive tasks can also free up time for onboarding teams to focus on more complex issues, ensuring a smoother client onboarding experience.


Take Control of HCM Client Onboarding Scope with Setuply

Setuply, an all-in-one client onboarding automation platform, makes it easier for HCM providers to keep onboarding projects on track and start new client relationships off on the right foot. Here’s how:

  • Project stakeholders can seamlessly collaborate and communicate through a centralized platform
  • Onboarding software and automation tools make the transition more enjoyable and frictionless for clients
  • Comprehensive integration support is provided, with built-in security measures and compliance checks in place
  • Robust data validation tools automatically detect inconsistencies and errors, while automated mapping supports data migration
  • Providers can automate repetitive tasks and use project tracking and reporting features to identify bottlenecks and improve capacity management

Want to experience the power of Setuply for yourself? Request a demo!