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Two fintech employees looking at a project schedule to illustrate fintech onboarding
SetuplyJul 18, 2024 12:16:56 PM3 min read

How to Make Fintech Onboarding a Competitive Advantage

Onboarding is a make-or-break process for most organizations, and fintech onboarding is just as crucial. The client onboarding process in the financial services and fintech industry is intricate and multifaceted. These industries come with regulations, paperwork, and logistics, which can be challenging for onboarding teams to manage when working with new clients.

Securing documents, storing data, and cross-departmental collaboration is critical as departments work to create a smooth transition for your new client.

How can fintech companies better manage this process—and even use it to create a competitive advantage?

Challenges Fintech Providers Have

The best fintech companies are focused on ensuring seamless digital client onboarding to enhance the client experience, reduce product times, and increase efficiencies. They recognize the role technology has in improving overall client satisfaction. Yet they inevitably encounter challenges in the client onboarding process, including:

Secure collaboration and data management

Fintech providers collect large amounts of sensitive data that must be secure. Collaboration between internal and external stakeholders often involves multiple rounds of document exchange, increasing the risk of data breaches if not appropriately handled. Protecting this data while ensuring efficient collaboration among team members is challenging.

Navigating time dependencies

Many onboarding tasks are interdependent, which can cause delays in the project timeline if something is stalled. Managing these dependencies is crucial to maintaining a smooth workflow. An efficient project management system can help manage task dependencies, reduce labor hours, speed up processes, minimize errors, and enhance the client experience.

Duplicate data

Repeated data entry and collection often result in duplicate data. Client onboarding software can help reduce duplicate data entry by providing a single source of truth for client profiles and enabling seamless integration into existing ecosystems.

Optimizing work allocation

Fintech companies often have numerous domain experts with different responsibilities and requirements. This makes task coordination and communication a significant challenge.

With team members often dispersed across different time zones, coordinating schedules between experts and stakeholders can be difficult, leading to delays and inefficiencies.

Modern client onboarding solutions have emerged as a key strategy to address these challenges. These solutions not only streamline the onboarding process but also improve internal task coordination by providing clear timelines and responsibilities. By getting clients up and running in half the time. These environments and purpose-built client onboarding technology help the entire organization create a competitive advantage that has a direct impact on its bottom line. What best practices create these environments, and what are the implications for your company?

How Setuply Turns Fintech Onboarding into a Competitive Advantage

With Setuply’s client onboarding software, fintech organizations can transform onboarding into a competitive advantage. Here’s how our platform addresses these challenges.

Secure data management

Our data management platform makes it easy to collect data securely and efficiently. Setuply allows clients to upload and view important files and documents and also validates data, stores it securely, and transforms it into a usable format.

Proactive updates and transparent timelines

Setuply provides notifications and dashboards so you can always know the status of your projects and track them if they’re coming in on time, early, or late. Keeping clients informed with proactive updates and clear timelines can improve their experience and build trust.

(Pro Tip: It helps to have visualization features in your onboarding tools to paint a clear picture of the next steps, tasks due, and more to keep everyone on the same page.)

Integrating financial planning software into your tech stack can further enhance transparency and streamline timelines, ensuring a smoother onboarding process.

Advanced analytics

You can glean powerful insights from client data collected during the onboarding process. Advanced analytical tools can provide valuable information for improving the onboarding process and can help identify bottlenecks, predict potential issues and optimize workflows.

Streamline Your Client Onboarding

Fintech companies use Setuply’s client onboarding solution to achieve a more streamlined process that keeps everyone on the same page. These organizations save time using Setuply automation while improving client engagement in the onboarding process. In addition to remaining compliant with regulatory rules, Setuply’s powerful analytics help turn raw data into actionable insights that help these companies achieve a competitive advantage.

Ready to simplify your onboarding process? Schedule a product demo today to see Setuply in action.