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a project manager evaluates a software that can be used to support the customer onboarding process as well as managing recurring projects
SetuplyJul 11, 2024 11:00:00 AM6 min read

How to Choose the Right Client Project Management Software

When seeking to optimize client interactions and project management, investing in the right client project management software is crucial. These platforms offer various features and tools to streamline workflows, enhance transparency, and strengthen client relationships. Selecting the best solution for your business requires careful consideration of several key factors.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you zero in on key features to make an informed decision.

Why More Businesses Are Investing in Client Management Software

Client expectations have significantly transformed in recent years. No longer satisfied with sporadic updates and opaque processes, clients now demand a front-row seat to the progress of their projects. They seek platforms that provide visibility into every phase, from initial planning to final delivery, ensuring they remain informed and engaged throughout the process. At the same time, businesses are under pressure to optimize their operations, reduce inefficiencies, and foster a culture of collaboration.

In a landscape where expectations for service quality and responsiveness are higher than ever, investing in client project management software positions companies for success.

However, not all software solutions are created equal. Some may seem impressive on the surface but fall short in terms of usability or integration with existing systems. Businesses must carefully evaluate their needs to choose the right project management software that catalyzes transformation.


Key Features to Look For in a Project Management Solution


Client Portals

Client portals are essential for providing clients with organized access to project data, progress tracking, and a platform for feedback. A client portal feature should include:

  1. Streamlined Access to Project Information
    • Importance: Clients should be able to easily find and review project details, reducing the need for constant follow-up and fostering transparency.
    • Example: When onboarding new clients, a client portal should allow clients to access detailed project plans, timelines, and deliverables effortlessly. This ensures they are always informed about the steps being taken and their current status.
  2. Tools for Monitoring Ongoing Tasks
    • Importance: Real-time updates on project progress keep clients informed and engaged, helping them understand how the project is advancing.
    • Example: For a current client upgrading their software features, real-time task monitoring lets them see which new features are under development, which are in testing, and which have been deployed. This visibility helps manage expectations and gives a sense of involvement.
  3. Feedback Mechanisms
    • Importance: A dedicated space for clients to provide feedback enhances communication and maintains alignment with client expectations.
    • Example: New and current clients can use the feedback section to request modifications or additional features. This client feedback loop helps keep the project aligned with evolving needs.


Team Task Management Tools

Effective task management is at the heart of any project management software. Look for features that support your team’s efforts such as:

  1. Customizable Task Lists
    • Importance: Tailoring tasks to fit specific project requirements confirms all aspects of a project are covered and managed appropriately.
    • Example: During the client onboarding process, tasks can be customized to include specific steps such as data gathering and feature planning to ensure nothing is overlooked.
  2. Analytics Dashboards
    • Importance: Providing insights into team performance and project progress helps in identifying bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
    • Example: For ongoing software upgrade projects, analytics dashboards can show metrics like task completion rates, providing a clear picture of where the team stands.
  3. Automated Workflows
    • Importance: Automating repetitive tasks saves time and reduces errors, allowing the team to focus on more strategic activities.
    • Example: With newfound time on their hands, project team members can focus more on relationship building as well as taking on larger, more complex projects.


Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools empower seamless communication and coordination within teams and with clients. Essential features include:

  1. Real-Time Messaging
    • Importance: Platforms that facilitate instant communication speed up decision-making processes.
    • Example: Instant messaging helps quickly resolve questions or issues during the client onboarding process, keeping projects on track and enhancing the client onboarding experience.
  2. Centralized Document Sharing
    • Importance: Secure file storage and sharing keep everyone on the same page, preventing miscommunication and data discrepancies.
    • Example: Centralized document sharing ensures all project documents, such as a client onboarding questionnaire, forms, and wizards are updated and accessible, avoiding the risk of using outdated information. It also means that if someone is out of office, teams can access the data they need without delay.
  3. Discussion Boards
    • Importance: Facilitating group conversations and idea sharing enhances collaboration and innovation.
    • Example: Discussion boards can be used to discuss user feedback and highlight potential upsell and cross-sell opportunities, fostering a collaborative environment.


Evaluating Support & Scalability


Vendor Support

Reliable vendor support is crucial for resolving issues quickly and effectively. Consider the following:

  1. Channels
    • Importance: Support should be accessible via multiple channels, including phone, email, and live chat, to accommodate different preferences.
    • Example: Offering multiple support channels allows clients to choose their preferred method of communication, improving client satisfaction and overall efficiency.
  2. Reputation
    • Importance: Checking reviews and testimonials helps gauge the quality of support provided by the vendor.
    • Example: Look for testimonials from similar businesses that have used the project management software for complex client projects and see a positive impact on achieving their business objectives.



As your business grows, your project management software should be able to scale with it. Look for solutions that offer:

  1. Customizable Features
    • Importance: The ability to add or remove features as needed ensures the software adapts to evolving project requirements.
    • Example: Customizable features allow you to add advanced reporting tools as your project management process becomes more complex.
  2. Integration with Additional Tools
    • Importance: Compatibility with new tools your business may adopt in the future keeps client project management software useful and relevant.
    • Example: As you adopt new development or collaboration tools, ensure your project management software can integrate seamlessly to maintain efficiency.


User Experience and Interface

A user-friendly interface is vital for team adoption and effective use of the software. Key aspects to evaluate are:

  1. Ease of Navigation
    • Importance: The software should be intuitive and straightforward to use, reducing the learning curve and improving productivity.
    • Example: An easy-to-navigate interface helps new clients quickly access and understand tasks in the initial onboarding phase, minimizing completion times and revenue recognition.
  2. Customization Options
    • Importance: Users should be able to personalize their dashboards and workflows to fit their specific roles and preferences.
    • Example: Customizable dashboards allow project managers and team members to prioritize their most important tasks, improving efficiency.
  3. Training Resources
    • Importance: Availability of tutorials, guides, and onboarding support helps users get started quickly and use the software effectively.
    • Example: Comprehensive training resources ensure both your team and clients can maximize the benefits of the project management software from the outset.


Why Companies Trust Setuply to Help Manage Their Client Projects

Setuply stands out as the ideal client project management software due to its comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline client onboarding and lifecycle management.

By automating and organizing the onboarding process for new clients, Setuply ensures a seamless transition from sales to implementation, and from implementation to customer success. This reduces manual efforts and the potential for errors at a critical juncture in the provider-client relationship while setting the tone for positive ongoing communications and support.

The same benefits apply to the management of ongoing client projects. Project managers and clients can easily track progress, manage tasks, and collaborate with team members to ensure project timelines are met and clients are satisfied. Meanwhile, robust reporting tools offer valuable insights into client interactions and project performance, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve their service delivery.

With Setuply, organizations can enhance client satisfaction, improve operational efficiency, and drive long-term client relationships. From laying the groundwork with a good client onboarding process for a new client to supporting the future relationship with an existing client, Setuply has all the tools to help make managing client projects seamless and stress-free. Request a demo to experience its impact!